Darkest tom and jerry episodes
Darkest tom and jerry episodes

darkest tom and jerry episodes darkest tom and jerry episodes

Love Makes You Dumb: That said, part of the reason why the white cat is a Karma Houdini is that love makes Tom incredibly dumb.Jerry, feeling bad for his Friendly Enemy, explains how Tom became the wreck he is now. How We Got Here: The cartoon opens with an utterly miserable Tom sitting on train tracks waiting for a train to come and end his life for him.Also, she got away with ruining Tom's life. (Toots's situation was not shown or had too little screen time or narrative weight to count). Hate Sink: The white cat is clearly written with the allegory of 'beware of Gold Diggers because they will ruin your life', and even Jerry is aware she's bad news, thus she is the Hate Sink of the short, not Butch, despite him one-upping Tom all the time.Most fans view Jerry’s girlfriend Toots (who looks like the mouse version of the white cat) as this as well, but it’s implied that if Toots was this, she was more subtle about it since the revelation came as a shock to Jerry or at least because Jerry didn't know he had competition until he saw that Toots got married. Gold Digger: The white cat that Tom falls in love with turns out to be this, blithely leaving Tom for the obscenely wealthy Butch.Even when Tom has given up hope trying to win over the white cat, he still pushes Jerry away despite his pleas and his saving him from his suicide attempt. Friend Versus Lover: In the beginning, the cat and mouse were friends (sharing a glass of lemonade together and Tom allowing Jerry to have more after accidentally sucking him into his mouth as an apology), that is until Tom falls madly in love with the white cat and ignores Jerry throughout the cartoon.Drowning My Sorrows in Milk: This is what Tom does after the white cat ultimately chooses Butch over him.Driven to Suicide: After their girlfriends leave them for wealthier men, it's very strongly implied that Tom and Jerry end up dying through suicide-by-train at the end of the short.

darkest tom and jerry episodes

He made Worst/Best Tom & Jerry Movies, which features his least favorite and favorite film adaptations of Tom & Jerry (August 29, 2019).Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was #2 in Worst Book-Based Animated Movies (July 18, 2019).Blue Cat Blues was #2 in Darkest Kids Show Episodes (June 20, 2018).Tom and Jerry & the Wizard of Oz was #1 in Worst Cartoon Crossovers (May 14, 2017).Tom & Jerry Kids was #3 in Worst Cartoon Remakes (July 25, 2016).He thinks some of them (such as Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka, Tom & Jerry: Sherlock Holmes and Tom & Jerry: The Wizard of Oz) just come off as shoddy cash-ins with limited animation. He has reviewed many of the film adaptations which he has mixed feelings for. Strider often has high regards to the franchise and thinks it definitely has the high standards of cartoons. Many shorts also feature several recurring characters. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse.

darkest tom and jerry episodes

Darkest tom and jerry episodes series#

Entertainment (1996-present) Tom & Jerry is an American animated series of comedy short films created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.

Darkest tom and jerry episodes